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To add to the appeal, the guides have a pick-up-and-go, user-friendly format that doesn’t burden you with a lot of teacher-y rigmarole. This series provides all of these features and does it well. Lastly, writing activities are expected and have good variety. Thirdly, questions go beyond basic comprehension and delve into deeper, thought-provoking issues. Secondly, literary analysis starts early and is covered thoroughly. First of all, vocabulary is studied within the context of quality literature and is a valuable part of the study. I look for several things in a good literature study and this series has them all. Post-Reading Activities & Discussion Questions.Cloze Activity (filling in the blanks of a quote/passage with appropriate words).Chapter (or passage) coverage including vocabulary, comprehension questions, discussion questions, literary devices, and writing activities.Pre-Reading Activities & Discussion Questions.The guides have a common pattern, whether for the young primary grades or for the high school level. I particularly like the fact that they do use graphic organizers – but not so exhaustively that you feel overwhelmed by them. These are very comprehensive and thorough studies, with just a hint of cross-curricular applications and a good variety of writing activities.


What’s an educational supply company to do, however, when they encounter an excellent secular series that has an amazing list of titles and provides a quality literature study at all grade levels? To us, it’s a bit of a no-brainer. What? Another set of literature guides? Sometimes, it seems that way even to the staff at Rainbow Resource.
